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Friday, July 27

Jess Zaco

Jess Zaco


  Name: Jessica Meldro Zaco, III
  Age: 18
  Eye Color: Tan
Hair Color: Blond
 Height: 5'6"
 Shoe Size: 7
  Girlfriend/Boyfriend: N/A
 Rank: Sweet Heart 
Species: Human


Jess is a sweet heart. She follows her brother everywhere. She believes that all the things that her brother does is wrong and tries to convince him to stop until she becomes attacked by one of the creatures. When she joins the group she begins to fancy a teacher by the name of Maxx. Maxx never engages but does show interest in her. Jess her self is the writer of the group. She does the paper work when necessary but that just something her brother assigned her to be funny. Jess also gets in a fight with a guy by the name of J'rzy. J'rzy is a vampire she hit with her car as she was speeding to the aid of her brother. After, the accident he went to look for her and in the middle of the fight ends up wrestling her brother Paul. 

Actress I Think would make her shine:

Shes just very beautiful. She has the makings of a goddess and Jess would be honor. 

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