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Tuesday, July 31

Aasharr Olay

Aasharr Olay

Name: Aasharr Olay
Age: 20
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5'4"
Shoe Size: 9
Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Unknown
Rank: Loner
Species: Human Copy

Nothing to say really except he starts my story off. He is a loner looking for the truth but he doesn't have his story until book 2. I am trying to not make it sound like my favorite show Kyle XY. Its hard. I love Aasharr but the funny part is that Kyle was the inspiration for this character. I was so rapped in the fact that Kyle had a great story and then ripped from my heart I didn't notice I continued from where it stopped. Season by season. Aasharr was confused, loved and in love. But never knew where he came from. So in honor of Kyle I think he should play Aasharr.

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