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Friday, July 27

Paul Zaco

Paul Zaco


 Name: Paul Zaco
 Age: 23
 Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Blond
Height: 5'10"
Shoe Size: 9
 Girlfriend/Boyfriend: Jason Price 
Rank: Engineer 
Species: Vampire


Paul what can I say about this guy. Paul is the brains in the group. He keeps the group from being hurt. The rest of the group tries to  change Paul but it never works. Paul loves Jason to death but because of who Jason is he doesn't know how to confront the problem. At the end of the rode, his love never leaves. Paul loves to invent things that are useful to the group when creatures appear. His sister, Jess, was added after one of the creatures decided to kill her. Paul loves his sister but it is a very unknown for him to protect her while there are pared as a group. But if there by themselves then there is nothing he would do for her. He's a vampire. 

Actor I think looks like him: 

Ross Lynch is perfect looks just like Paul. No doubt. There would be no body else as perfect. 

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